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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST

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you then move. to opposition activists for criticizing its monarch on the web as a goal state continues to silence anti-government voices. the u.k. government to make sure all people from all walks of life by him by belt tightening with the country's most vulnerable now about to feel the pinch even more but. well maybe this is the beginning of the end of jobs let's speed it up as a political vultures a circle over venezuela and washington as suspected of plotting a proposed vet's power play as the president cancels his inauguration over health
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problems. you're watching our live from moscow with me to bomb would say it's good to have you with us a softening after a story two years behind bars for a twitter message that's the verdict for two opposition activists in kuwait who criticized the country's rulers on the web the oil rich arab state has intensified its crackdown on the opposition with protests going on there for almost two years now author and journalist ashton the rattansi pointed to striking similarities with other u.s. allied states in the region which have seen the so-called forgotten revolutions. it's obvious that the united states nato countries just to keep their thousands of troops in kuwait and as we've seen of course there's been demonstrations in bahrain
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and of course saudi arabia which are not being covered on any corporate media it's very difficult to cover the brutal suppression of human rights in these nato and u.s. backed dictatorships human rights groups themselves are in a sense a different subject because some of them are being knobbled by u.s. authorities but in fairness than been some human rights groups that have campaigned for the horrible human rights situation suffered by the. elements the we do and people hundred thousand of those stateless in kuwait and anyone really trying to look for greater freedoms in kuwait in sort of forgotten country in terms of the arab spring in fact it is hosting at the end of this month a whole conference about syria and about humanitarian help for syria so as love to say about humanitarian things in syria but it imprisons people that tweet anything against them even though it is one of the most democratic places in the persian
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gulf arab countries. clashes between turkish troops and could rebels in southeast turkey have left thirteen people dead three decade long conflict over self rule has already claimed tens of thousands of lives now turkey is also facing the mergence of any independent kurdish enclave in neighboring war torn syria and as irina going to school reports by seeking regime change in damascus uncorrupt could be further inflaming violence at home. that's turkey's prime minister may have shot himself in the food by openly supporting the syrian opposition the country's leader may have overlooked the fact syria's political mayhem may have on turkey especially in the border areas largely populated by kurds some observers believe any turmoil in the region between un corralling damascus will have a devastating effect on to guns country. turkey now involved virtually in a war it's used as
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a base by the syrian rebels and now to the kurds of march this was perfectly predictable but the dangers here argued bertie guns reasoning behind his support for the rebels can stem from lessons of the recent past. what do you. make of. the syrian opposition because they've made the same mistake in iraq. the kurdish region which is. now. thriving in syria but that could come as a dear cost. conflict between turks and kurds has been simmering for some thirty years with thousands of victims on both sides in fact the last eighteen months have seen seven hundred deaths from the confrontation between turkish security forces and the kurdistan workers party or p k k recognized by some was during nations as
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a terrorist organization some believe the thirty million strong kurds are ready to rise at a moment's notice to at least gain some autonomy if not reach their ultimate goal the kurdish state the syrian crisis may very well provide such an opportunity and uncross increasing animosity towards both kurds and damascus it may very well be turkey that will end up being the biggest loser in this call that. game kurdish representatives in the turkish general assembly firmly believe no matter the outcome of the conflict the kurds in syria are set for some sort of autonomy and they're eager to follow suit the syrian kurds so will have their own status political status autonomy for long years we also struggling for democratic autonomy we want our identity to be recognized and we won the. democratic autonomy
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regional autonomy. we should have our south governance right but these desires seem to fall on deaf ears within the turkish government within caracas kurdish conflicts coming under increasing scrutiny from human rights organizations accusations of rape torture kidnappings and use of chemical weapons against suppose that courage separatists have been backed up by independent reports and investigations and are a major stumbling block on and crusade for e.u. membership the turkish government nevertheless seems determined to avoid the issue altogether instead turning its attention across the border into syria in a ghost go r.t. . our correspondents are closely following the developments in the at iran syria via our g.'s twitter feed log on to check all the latest updates on this and other issues.
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you. and i streams all sports fan has died and another has been seriously injured in a horrifying incident at a ski resort in russia's caucasus region but you were using a zorro boat when the giant inflatable ball went out of control and plunged off a cliff let's take a look now at how the accident unfolded. more on how much is it than dollars where would it go else in a minute cool isn't it let's do it now.
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right with me now in the studio is our it is tom barton tom what actually happened there we understand the victims were at a ski resort how did this tragedy and travel well to bring it went very wrong indeed as you can see just after the starting video all that happiness we can see here this giant zor ball rolling down this makeshift slope at the moment all all right and then unfortunately the goes off course it didn't go in the way that it was planned this shot by one of the friends of those inside a russian father of two and his friend this point the camera shaking a lot about a lot of exclamations one of the organizers swearing and saying oh no it's gone the wrong way again and then we can see the flying off the wrong track various
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attempts being made to try and get it back on track those don't work the rolls on goes going down not where it's supposed to go slamming into some rocks and bouncing over those with a lot of force shaking the people inside very much and then over a cliff and smashing into the ice on top of a frozen lake where it finally came to rest then surely when the when friends rescuers came and found it one of those inside was jodi who was not dead was there later died on the way to hospital with a broken neck the other escaped with just injuries i mean i'm looking at the images that you're just showing right now and i'm thinking that looks a little bit thrilling if you're out in the snow slopes you know you want to have a little bit of fun but exactly for those who don't know what zob is can you explain to our viewers in you know in the layman's term what is that being is it was invented in new zealand. is essentially
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a giant plastic ball in which someone sits you can hear see one here that's being inflated that's the final thing to layers of class. there in between and inside your little cocoon i've actually tried it myself some time ago some people are strapped to the side of the wall of the ball or there's the knot and they may bounce around or slide around inside it and usually they're rolled down the slope if there is snow slope in winter or a glass grass slope in summer and the roll down usually quite a short slope and then they come to a stop at the end that is if it's well controlled right i mean i'm an extreme junkie myself i like doing adrenaline stuff and usually you see something like this you think it's a little bit save anybody can do it for little kids do you know tune in to all the kids to all the people but is there firstly deadly evolving accident we've seen i mean how many of these have we actually had it's not the first few years ago in the czech republic a school child on
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a trip died after an accident with one of these orbs they can prove dangerous if not controlled properly you can see though it's become immensely popular here in the city street some people are rolling these orbs look up it goes over the car some people try to push the they've got this instrument they want to try and sort of pushes the limits how they can try and use it and clearly some people even on the more well controlled courses you saw those that just saw the lady will see it in slow motion again now the lady flies out the side of this ball that wasn't supposed to happen so even on the more controlled courses things can go wrong with these giant heavy plastic balls and these two men inside this ball rough with brains like that and they were being shot around like pinpoint pinballs inside this ball as it flew over that clip so you can see how things could go wrong i'm guessing now you know the people who do like these sort of adrenaline filled
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activities are going to be thinking twice about doing this but i mean this is an all rounder adrenaline activity or is it is a kind of something that why anybody would. you want to do this i'm just trying to think if you're flying out of a plane i get that but rolling down a hill it was invented in new zealand new zealand's famous around the world for action sports and i think. there's lots of videos of similar kind of feats of russian teenagers for example trying to climb old radio station master saw some winters ago they were jumping off blocks of flats into large piles of snow anything people can go off to try and have some extra adrenalin fun they will they have here unfortunately this time it's gone wrong those responsible may face up to ten years in jail and the body responsible for creating is calling for proper regulation or at least attempts across the world tom i know you said you did it before did you like it it is very much ok we're going to leave it right there that. well you know
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i just say if you're going to do something like this you've got to be extra careful you've got to know what you're getting yourself into that's all that you know that's where the real comes from i guess have a good time bottle thank you very much for that ride venezuela's president hugo chavez is to mrs inauguration deadline postponing the ceremony indefinitely due to poor health his request was the national assembly position claims that the moves to set a later date is unconstitutional peskov are from asia times online told us there will now be many players willing to stand in this place. chevy's war is not a monolithic saying like would dare to say the communist party in china dad least four or five different factions fighting for power and this is one of the problems a few we have an unsteady situation in terms of chavez house because there will be an internal struggle for power inside chevys will in that the same time we going to
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have more possibility just go for an intercity hearings trying to rule that you know as louvered this process and i mean specially our friends in washington all the news he will seek an opening well maybe this is the beginning of the end of just of xabi as well let's get it up. so i had for you in the program allows you a long weekend we go black manning gets a hundred and twelve days off of his eventual sentence but could still face life imprisonment. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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if you. leave.
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your back without mall belt tightening is moving for the u.k. as paula benj moves a step further to cut benefits a new bill sixty year limits i mean crease and welfare spending to one percent yeah you could see the most vulnerable being hit hardest it also comes against a backdrop of a starchy measures written introduce as it struggles to heal is a leading economy archies laura smith reports. members of parliament have voted in favor of this bill which would have a one percent cap on benefits welfare benefits ministers say this cap is needed because the state's handouts have been rising twice as fast as pay as in work pay in recent years this bill will now go through to further reading so it's not passed yet but we can expect significant changes to the welfare budget in the years to come it's all about this kind of what we've seen in recent weeks this this strivers versus skivers thing where the government says it wants to support people who are
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going out to work trying hard to make money versus the people who are staying in bed all day and they say it's fair because public sector pay. is being kept and private sector pay is rising below the level of inflation so why should people who are on benefits get more money and the stories go all about having to support these people and the stamp out this benefits culture and make it more profitable for people to be working them for people to be sitting at home on benefits but again not everyone agrees obviously a lot of it jobseekers allowance employment support allowance that does go to people who are out of work but a lot of it goes to in fact two thirds of it goes to the lower paid workers so people who are strivers these various tribes that we've been talking about essential workers nurses rubbish collectors people without whom the country would come down to its knees and that's what labor's talking about working tax credits child benefit those kinds of things and in fact a charity the children's society has come out and said that if you are single or single primary school teacher or
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a nurse with two children you're going to be losing four hundred twenty four pounds a year by two thousand and fifteen under these new measures so certainly very controversial it says we're not all in it together in fact what we are what we what the government's proposing to do according to labor is hits households towards the bottom of the socio economic scale much harder than they hit households for the average person in the street is very keen to stamp. these guys as the goal as the government initially called them but now is backing away from that people who are staying home with the curtains drawn in bed while ordinary people while the strivers go out to work but the fact is that these measures according to labor would hit those poor people harder more children in poverty they say of allowing those association says it could contribute to more homelessness and it'll help women particularly hard because they're the people who child tax credit go to for example and of course people struggling to pay for rising inflation rising fuel
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prices rising. able and then on the other side of the cut for the rich that will be introduced in april unless anything happened if you're over one hundred fifty thousand pounds per year after april. meant and was excessively harsh retired colonel morris davis told of the military is just trying to spare its blushes. i think the government here is overplayed their hand if you recall when the wiki leaks documents were going to come out it
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reminded me of the y2k scare everybody kind of braced and expected the worst and then when it came out not much happened and i think the government really overplayed this i'm not aware of there being anything more than embarrassment that has been caused by the wiki leaks documents there been any operations that have been compromised or any individuals harmed i'm not aware of it but it certainly seems at this point this is more of a case of embarrassment than actual harm it seems to be that there are good leaks in there badly because the administration has been accused of being more than happy to leak information that makes the people feel good or makes the administration look good or supposed to be a congressional hearing with the movie coming out this week as zero dark thirty and are supposed to be a congressional hearing on whether the white house facilitated leaking classified information to the producers of the movie there's been other instances like the killing of osama bin laden of the internet attack on the iranian facilities
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that you know when it helps make the administration look good in a leak is ok when it's an embarrassment like it is with bradley manning then you know it's a capital offense. we bring more information and that was on bradley manning's case on our website at our dog com here's our comment section to let us know what you think also. we've got the story of a chinese father who's ordered his own sons assassination find out more online. and the one enterprising u.s. billionaire has big plans of his double shooting a colony on mars but it appears there is a criteria to fulfill so had to already dot com to learn if you can join the chosen one.
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tension between loyalists and police in belfast over the flying of union flag off while some easing out of pro british protesters pelted security forces with petrol bombs for six a consecutive day now me long live the people belfast he says that the violence was a planned action and those in charge of should be held responsible i think the problem is that there was political orchestration certainly in the initial stages of this particular on rest to try for example to use very emotive and inflammatory language around the position that my party was going to take kids in out of repping die in the flag when in fact we were opposing a host of some nationalist to take the flag diamond tartly there was a direct targeting of myself as the m. pay for east belfast in all of this the way i'm not a member of the decline so i do not have a hold so there was
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a political orchestration behind this and i think that those who worked up the year on tension which existed our own decision which is a mode of i think have to bar some of the responsibility for the consequences of that. some other international news in briefs now have these this is suspect in the attack on the u.s. diplomatic mission in the libyan city of benghazi for lack of evidence the u.s. ambassador and three other americans were killed in the attack on september eleventh last year the twenty six year old tunisian who was extradited from turkey was one of the very few people detained over the attack the u.s. has still failed to make any real progress in the investigation. one hundred people are still missing after a while fires are swept through south eastern australia so temperatures cooled on wednesday firefighters are still battling scores of blazes and new heat waves as forecast for the weekend a combination of soaring temperatures and dry windy conditions since last friday
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has sparked a fire that burned vast parts of forest and farmland. a u.s. military contractor whose employees were accused of torturing and abusing prisoners in baghdad during the iraq war or pay five million dollars compensation it's the first known case of detainees being compensated by american contractors for the abuse they received the mistreatment of prisoners in abu ghraib it came to light in two thousand and four after a military investigation with graphic photos taken at the scene of course the public outrage this week marks the eleventh anniversary of another notorious prison at guantanamo bay detention camp in cuba our special coverage where the expert opinion and analysis starts this friday. you know. beyond the call. on the range and the business. of the
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interrogation of american. and a few minutes we had to our washington studios to check out the capital account with lauren this. least be cool language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v.
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reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing story for you. in troy t. arabic to find out more visit our big don't all t.v. dog called. morning news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are old today
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. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for wednesday january second two thousand and thirteen happy new year it's two thousand and thirteen we're back let's reflect on some of the economic predictions that never came to be last year so our thinking can progress pragmatic capitalist colin roche is here to explain why some folks were wrong about inflation as an example and what the fed's overly optimistic past predictions mean for its future guidance and we have heard about it add in for a night. the senate strikes a deal on the fiscal cliff but now before we the fish really fall off the cliff
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just two hundred so just. remain and it is now the house where. you are dear smart viewers i'm sure already know about the deal congress reached then that leaves lawmakers wrangling again in a couple months over the debt ceiling and the spending cuts that they delayed but when it comes to the reported six hundred billion dollars over ten years in new revenue this deal is said to raise never mind the new deficit that creates what does that kind of money by any way we have a reality check plus why is the government involved in keeping the price of milk whoa part of the fiscal cliff deal involved of burning what some have dubbed a dairy cliff we'll discuss and wall wrong cliffs we have five phrases we'd like to retire this year that's them loose change let's get to today's capital account.
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so the fiscal cliff has been averted kind of by a deal that pushes more wrangling into the future by a few months so i'll say the play by play of the twenty four hour cable network news that we are hearing and will continue to hear for at least the next few months let's move on to something actually interesting though for the most part it is a new year time to reflect on how we can it be better in two thousand and thirteen when it comes to the way we think about the economy money capitalism q e and just take an assessment of where we are heading into this new year what we maybe got wrong last year so colin rusch is here to help us devalue founder of or camp financial group and author of a blog you may know pragmatic capitalists or capitalism scuse me so first.


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